Alexander Payne

In his big film ‘Downsizing,’ Alexander Payne makes America small again

From ‘About Schmidt’ to ‘Sideways,’ Alexander Payne is beloved for his intimate dramas—but his most ambitious one yet may well fail in this political climate

2013 at the movies: the year of the jerk

From The Wolf of Wall Street to Nebraska, moviegoers this year were surrounded by the most vile people ever imagined

‘Nebraska’ isn’t about getting an Oscar

Alexander Payne has had it with snooty critics who think his film is condescending

Leaving the ‘dernsies’ at home

Bruce Dern is leaving the ‘dernsies’ at home

After a career spent improvising, the Oscar-nominated actor doesn’t change a thing in Nebraska

Seniors Day in Cannes: Look, everyone! It’s Jerry Lewis

Brian D. Johnson’s latest dispatch from the Croisette

Taking George Clooney sideways in ‘The Descendants’

Alexander Payne does for Hawaii what he did for wine in ‘Sideways,’ with Clooney playing against type as an cuckolded dad