
Lethal hatred and life-giving love: A rabbi’s prescription against hate

Opinion: ‘After sorrow, let us create hope. After hate, let us create love. After death, let us create life.’

Anti-Semitism and anti-refugee attitudes share the same poisonous roots

Opinion: Anti-Semitism propelled Robert Bowers, who was arrested for allegedly killing 11 in a Pittsburgh synagogue. But there was something more familiar, too

How to react in the event of a bomb threat

Jewish centres across North America have received more than 100 bomb threats. An explosives expert explains why preparedness is vital.

Hold your applause, please

What to do about Wagner?

Germany is divided over how to honour the controversial composer’s bicentenary

Anti-Semitism and the Jewish caricature

Emma Teitel on the Sunday Times’ controversial cartoon

Dear students: please be careful before alleging racism

Queen’s professor was unfairly relieved of his duties


Tel Aviv University cancels Wagner

Concert would “deeply offend”

So much for the ‘People of Einstein’ myth

Emma Teitel on how a York University student makes Jews look bad—and why that’s a good thing

The resurrection of John Galliano?

The acclaimed designer is expected to return to the fashion world—anti-semitic slurs be damned

Follow the money

Follow the money

An MP inquiry into anti-Semitism vowed to be open and independent. Its shadowy funding says otherwise.


Dior fires Galliano over anti-Semitic remarks

Fashion designer caught on tape saying, “I love Hitler”


Montreal Jews fear hate campaign

Schools and temples vandalized over the weekend