antonin scalia

Scalia’s death looms over US election

A battle is brewing over the nation’s top court

An historic battle approaches over the U.S. Supreme Court

Replacing Antonin Scalia with even a middle-of-the-road moderate would alter the court

Could Scalia’s death change the course of the U.S. election?

When it comes to choosing a new Supreme Court judge, the Republicans might not like any of the choices


TMI? The U.S. Supreme Court joins the blogosphere

That judges are somehow splendidly isolated is one of the cardinal fictions of the American judiciary

An unlikely conspirator in Prop 8’s murder

How an anti-SSM Supreme Court justice provided an argument to lift the ban



“Austin is a dud and we’re getting rid of it. Never happened. Off the books. Fuhgeddaboudit.”


Bora Laskin and the obscurity of the Supreme Court

Court judgments are some of the best literature you’ll find in Canada


Megapundit: Climate change—like Y2K, only warmer

Must-reads: Dan Gardner on Y2K+8; Colby Cosh on gun control.