Bert Brown

Checking in on the Senate

A brief review of the quagmire

The Senate: The only thing standing between us and tyranny

Bert Brown fears what abolishment would bring


Stephen Harper’s Senate

Postmedia tries to figure out how long the Senate could be Conservative.


Keep the Senate secondary

Kathryn Blaze Carlson’s consideration of an elected Senate includes an intriguing anecdote from Senator Bert Brown.


Sober second thoughts

Senators appointed by Stephen Harper with the expressed purpose of pushing through his reforms apparently aren’t entirely supportive of his proposals. And so Bert Brown, the nominally elected senator, steps in to remind his caucus mates to whom they should be absolutely loyal.

To reform the Senate: Why term limits?

What is Harper trying to achieve?


‘Right now, if Harper wanted to, he could be a complete dictator’

Senator Bert Brown explains why we need a Senate quite unlike the one we have now.