buffy the vampire slayer

Buffy’s sultry Canadian cousin

Buffy’s sultry Canadian cousin

Fights, werewolves, a heroine whose power is sexiness: no wonder Lost Girl is a hit

Weinman on TV: First seasons first

When to start watching when you’re late to a series? Our expert says to watch the pilot, then skip a couple of seasons ahead

A Golden Age of Taking TV Seriously

Is television critical analysis taking the place of good old-fashioned fandom?


Love Those Kuzuis



Four reasons why Joss Whedon’s ‘Dollhouse’ might be in trouble before it starts

There’s a lot of buzz, but it doesn’t seem like Fox has a strategy for making it a hit


Because people got lost in ‘Lost’

Serialized shows are being phased out in favour of old-fashioned stand-alone episodes


Witchy women

A new study from the University of Derby claims that, for the past 20 years, more than 50,000 women a year have left the Church of England because they don’t feel it speaks to them. But here’s the strange part, the study’s author, sociologist Kristin Aune, concluded that many of the younger British women leaving the church are instead taking up…Wicca. Why Wicca? Three words, Aune says. Sarah Michelle Gellar: