Canadian Press


Welcome to the infomercial

Canadian Press reports that a few weeks before citizenship week celebrations last fall, Jason Kenney’s office asked his department to organize a ceremony at the Sun News studio in Toronto.

Harper’s foreign policy review is (almost) in (probably)

Boldness hasn’t prevented the government from being blindsided again and again by the big cruel world

Buy, sell, donate

Buy, sell, donate

A new breed of analysts is using investing techniques to better scrutinize the booming charity business


What should have been known and when?

Gen. Michel Gauthier made reference Wednesday afternoon to the Globe and Mail’s reporting in April 2007 as to when he first became aware of allegations of torture. Without the transcript of his comments it’s unclear—from my memory and what’s being reported elsewhere—how precisely he qualified that statement, whether he was referring to specific allegations of general torture, specific allegations related to detainees transferred by Canadian Forces, or something else entirely.


Guuuuuuuuy, Gerry’s “making sense” again. Make him stop!

Some unsolicited – and likely not particularly welcome, considering the source – advice for PMO on making the best of being forced to deal with the necessary evil that is the press, from a once-big-now-small-C conservative Cassandra, which can pretty much be summed up as follows:  ‘Don’t keep doing stupid things’:


UPDATED: Why must you torture ITQ like this, Canadian Press/Harris-Decima?

Hey, look —  a hypertopical public opinion poll on employment insurance reform, courtesy of CP/Harris Decima: