Egerton Ryerson

Activists protest Egerton Ryerson on Ryerson University campus on June 6th, 2021. Ryerson was the chief superintendent of education for Upper Canada and is considered instrumental in the design and implementation of the Indian Residential School System. (Nadya Kwandibens/Red Works Photography)

A diploma with the wrong name

Waubgeshig Rice: We knew that succeeding at Ryerson University, named after a man who would have never wanted us there in the first place, would be the ultimate educational triumph

Ravyn Wngz is a member of Black Lives Matter Toronto (Jalani Morgan)

‘As a queer, trans and Afro-Indigenous woman, I believed that I could never be a representative of Black liberation’

Ravyn Wngz: On July 18, Black Lives Matter Toronto held an art demonstration that involved painting and stencilling three racist statues in pink. To me, the colour pink represents life—vibrant, bold and free.

The push to erase Canada’s racist past

The drive to remove monuments and place names that offend racial sensibilities is gaining momentum. Are we facing up to the past? Or hiding it?