
Facials out of ‘Fear Factor’

Nightingale poop and even sheep placentas are now in the service of a better complexion


Series Television: A Continuing Story, Or a Series Of Mini-Movies?

I discussed this a bit in comments elsewhere, and I just wanted to continue thinking about it out loud (so to speak). There are two ways to look at a television series. One is as a long, continuous story about a family, or a workplace, or some other setting. In this view, a television series with continuing characters is analogous to the 19th-century novels that were published in serialized form. As with those novels, sometimes the different parts can have tight continuity and tell a coherent story that develops from beginning to end (like the late novels of Dickens), and sometimes the structure can be episodic, with the different parts not always having a whole lot to do with one another (like Dickens’ first novel, The Pickwick Papers), but the operative point is that it’s all one story that keeps moving forward.