
Good news, bad news

Marks & Spencer separates toys by genre rather than gender, and a “Marlboro Man” dies from a tabacco-related disease

China’s America problem

China-bashing is all the rage in the U.S. Beijing is pushing back

What students are talking about today (October 16th edition)

A fake medical student, a fake gun & Dalton McGuinty

What students are talking about today (Sept. 11 edition)

Worst-ever internship, tuition and “deviant behavior”

Ira Glass’ guilt trip

Mike Daisey’s story on Apple didn’t fit the narrative requirements of This American Life. His contrived confession did.

iPad 3: super exclusive sneak peek

You won’t find another review like this one

Biting into Apple

Biting into Apple

Consumers are waking up to the ugly truth about how iPads and iPods

Apple’s China factory conditions need perspective

Foxconn is one of the better options in a country still grappling with astonishing levels of poverty

Foxconn’s robot empire

Foxconn’s robot empire

Last week, Foxconn launched a $224-million project to build one million robots in the coming three years

Up off the factory floor

The future of manufacturing in Canada

Some Canadian firms are showing how the sector could drive the economy of the future


A low-cost paradise lost

Sharply rising wages could mark the end of China’s reign as the world’s greatest exporter