Future of Jobs

The myths about Canada’s skills gap

Chris Sorensen explains how misperceptions get in the way of solutions.

The young and the restless

The bad rap Gen-Yers get isn’t entirely unwarranted, but employers must find ways to engage them

The worker factory

Is Canada’s ‘skills gap’ really a non-issue?

Making the case for a looming labour shortage

Maclean’s Interactive: How does your paycheque stack up?

What Canadians earn today (and yesterday)

Choosing start-ups over school

A 22-year-old University of Waterloo dropout created a company worth millions. And he’s not alone.

The future of public-sector jobs

Today’s job seekers can’t always turn to the government for secure, highly paid work

Robots: Job Terminators

Why more and more workers—even in surprisingly complex jobs—are being left behind by automation

Living off the land

Hundreds of thousands of resource jobs will be up for grabs. The challenge: finding willing and able workers

Do we really need so many lawyers?

Barrister boom and bust: Legal fees are falling, pay is stagnant and jobs for law grads are harder to come by

The secret to building an innovative economy

In a word: engineers — as Kate Lunau explains

The dirty jobs

Some of the most in-demand, best-paying jobs require plenty of hands-on attention

Filling the labour gaps

Why relying on immigration as a quick fix for the skilled labour shortage may end up hurting immigrants and employers alike