haiti earthquake

Why Canada should let Haitian asylum seekers stay

It’s not just compassion that should drive government policy towards Haitian migrants. Western countries, Canada included, owe the country a massive debt, says Andray Domise.

Look what the UN dragged in

Haiti had not seen a case of cholera in over 100 years—until ‘help’ arrived

sweet micky’s sour start

Sweet Micky’s sour start in Haiti

The country’s pop star president is at a perilous stalemate with legislators


Great moments in Canadian humanitarianism

The homeopathy Denis Marier has brought to Haiti is what we had before real medicine


Hard v. soft

Glen Pearson responds to the Prime Minister’s assessment of Canadian power in Haiti and the perceived implication contained therein.


The politics of disaster (IV)

An excerpt from the Prime Minister’s speech to Canadian troops today in Haiti.


Cashing in Pat Robertson’s “pure gold”

Robertson’s evil is sufficient without anyone needing to invent more