
Revisiting highschool

A chance to reinvent yourself


The ultimate sacrilege

Setting foot on campus… before September


Even university doesn’t earn me cool points

But being older and taller should.


Why September isn’t the end of the world. Sort of

A month of summer vacation is gone. But that’s okay


Lessons of First Year

I worried that I would somehow end up drinking coffee. And enjoy it.


The three day week: living every 12-year-old’s dream

Back in high school, course selection was simple. Once all the mandatory courses were filled into your schedule, you could choose between art, family studies, or shop class. And then everything was put together automatically.


Can winter cold expose maturity?

It was 25 below zero in Kitchener last week. If I was still in high school, it would have meant an Unofficial Snow Day: one of those days when it’s just too cold to stand at the bus stop.


No ears? Must be a high school student.

They also haven’t yet discovered the compact beauty of messenger bags


How to get out of a chemistry exam: kill off a distant relative

Even in uni, I’ll still need a signed note from my parents to skip class


End of the high school era

Parent-teacher interviews. If you break it down into three separate words, its meaningless. But when they’re all lined up in a row next to each other in the same sentence, these three words result in having all the people with the most power over your life together. In the same room. Talking about you. And after last week, it’ll never happen again. It’s hard to believe that there are only 10 weeks of high school left.