interest rate

Milos Raonic explains interest rates

Recently the Bank of Canada raised interest rates. How will that impact you? Let pro tennis player Milos Raonic take a swing at explaining it.

What you need to know ahead of the interest rate announcement

Are we in a recession? Will the Bank of Canada cut the interest rate again? Should it?

Primer: The Bank of Canada’s interest-rate decision

What you need to know about the bank’s Wednesday morning release of its latest interest rate decision and Monetary Policy Report

Investors create a budget wish list

There hasn’t been much to wow investors in recent budgets. Here are a few appealing ideas.

A schooling in America

A schooling in America’s finances

How complex financing deals between banks and U.S. cities went bad

With inflation stuck, expect interest rates to stay at rock bottom

Consumer prices edged up a mere 1.2 per cent in October

The idea of the Bank of England tampering with LIBOR isn’t as crazy as you think

Influential people have long been talking about governments doing things like this

Are you smarter than a central banker?

An ECB-created iPhone app lets users try their hand at managing the money supply

The Commons: In search of loose change

Because it would be “utterly indefensible” to spend any less than $1 billion