James Holmes

HBO’s Girls, the plagiarism debate & free speech at U of T

What students are talking about today (January 14th)


Aurora gunman tried to call his psychiatrist right before shooting

James Holmes, the man suspected in the Colorado movie theatre shooting last month, allegedly tried to call his psychiatrist nine minutes before the attack that left 12 dead and 59 wounded.

What students are talking about today (Aug. 31 edition)

Arcade Fire, James Holmes, professor pay and maple syrup

guns by nukeit1

What students are talking about today (Aug. 17 edition)

Guns on campus, a Bar Mitzvah video, teacher’s college…

What students are talking about today (Aug. 13 edition)

Drunkorexia, James Holmes and fake guns at U. Alberta

The arms race no one is talking about

Gun control isn’t about fulfilling a utopian fantasy, an all-or-none sum game. It’s about harm reduction.