Jennifer Lopez

Too hot for television

Prime-time lesbians are too hot for TV

Emma Teitel explains why not everyone is happy with girl-on-girl-induced ratings


Breakups: Sayonara!

From George Clooney and Elisabetta Canalis to Lauro Garza and the GOP–a tour of this year’s splitsville

Big star, small car

Are Fiat’s new ads about its cars or Jennifer Lopez?

Fiat couldn’t have picked a higher-watt star for their new ad campaign


Simon who? It’s all about Steven Tyler now.

No one expected an old weird-looking rock star to save American Idol


Will Jennifer Lopez be good for American Idol?

We need a new Simon. Bring on the condescending self-absorbed diva.


Video Gallery: Toronto Film Festival 2006

Jeff Harris goes behind the scenes


Photo Gallery: Toronto Film Festival 2006

Juilette Binoche epitomized the “blonde bombshell” look at Breaking and Entering
premiere, along with co-star Jude Law — who had an impish grin for festival paparrazzi. The Dixie Chicks came to town with a hot documentary that followed the backlash after their dig at President George Bush. From Ashton Kutcher to Zach Braff, see all the celebs that invaded Toronto this past September.