La Presse

In Quebec, the police are political—and that’s a big problem

Quebec police are facing a scandal over tapping journalist’s phones. Here’s why it raises troubling questions.

Curtains on a second act

Curtains on Duceppe’s second act

Gilles Duceppe’s comeback was going to rely on his spotless reputation, but a scandal may sideline him for good

Will immigrants save the French language in Quebec, or hasten its demise?

Language advocates are increasingly leery of immigration

Construction chaos ahead

In Quebec, construction chaos ahead

The Duchesneau report details corruption, a money-laundering transport ministry and language laws that stymie competition


“One of the most incompetent and harmful governments this country has ever known”

André Pratte has an absolutely devastating editorial in today’s La Presse, in which he essentially calls for an anti-Harper mutiny by cabinet ministers he otherwise lambastes “for having such a poor handle on their files, they unjustly make the federal government look profoundly incompetent.” You really should go read the thing for yourself, but here are some translated bits:


Thérèse Rochette (1954-2010)

‘This is for you, Maman,’ Joannie said of the medal her mother didn’t get to see her win


The first nail in La Presse’s coffin: no more BlackBerrys


UPDATED AGAIN: Shuffleuffagus v2.0 – It begins!

Scroll down for the latest updates!


Workin’ in a coalition mine Whoop! About to slip down

It’s been so long. Time for a new variation on a favourite old tune: The question of just what Elizabeth May will do if this election gets to the home stretch and Green votes could conceivably make the difference between a Conservative and a Liberal government is posed again by this morning’s La Presse. As you will recall, May has seemed in the past to suggest she would do anything to stop the Conservatives, including calling on less-competitive candidates in every riding to throw their support to the leading pro-environmental candidate (defined as “not Conservative”) (defined therefore, in most but not all ridings outside Quebec, as “the Liberal”).


Where’s Mario?

If we’re going strictly on stereotypes, you could say that La Presse is the newspaper of the great, large, mushy middle ground between the seven librarians and half-dozen outraged separatists who read the high brow Le Devoir and the blue-collared masses who devour the Journal de Montréal along with their sandwiches de bologne and May Wests. Not all of this is true –– I actually hate baloney, and only my blood is blue –– but it’s safe to say that La Presse has forever been successful at attracting a clientele that is neither bookish sovereigntist or of the lunchbox tabloid set (or, at the very least, it is a required second read for the former, if not the latter.) It is, for good or ill, Quebec’s newspaper of record. So here’s a question for the ADQ: what happens when the newspaper of record forgets you exist?


My thoughts exactly

Translation: “George! What was it we promised about that climate changes thing? George! … George?”