Liberal Express


Today in automotive news

Conservative MP Candice Hoeppner is presently speaking to reporters on the Hill in front of her Scrap The Registry van.


Michael Ignatieff’s Quebec problem

The Liberal leader hasn’t made too many friends in La Belle Province


Nuance alert

Michael Ignatieff comments on the HST in British Columbia.

Iggy’s bus stops

Michael Ignatieff is on his Liberal Express tour across Canada. In Toronto, he stopped at a BBQ in Thornhill just north of the city and then a restaurant downtown in Chinatown.


Dance, dance, dance

New video of Michael Ignatieff dancing, this time at Folklorama in Winnipeg. His rhythm seems possibly to have improved, or perhaps he has found a beat to which he can more comfortably move.


Life and politics

Friends, family, colleagues and peers gathered in Montreal yesterday for the funeral of Mario Lague.


Ignatieff in summer

In the latest print edition of Maclean’s there are something like 1,300 words, under this byline, about Michael Ignatieff’s summer. Here, for your amusement, curiosity or comparison, is the indulgently long version, including a never-before-seen alternate ending.


On the stump

Michael Ignatieff is not quite reinventing the spoken word this summer, but he’s speaking with a certain vim and building a certain case. There’ll be another 2,000 words or so on this either later today or sometime tomorrow, but for the sake of visual documentation, here are a few clips.


Mitchel Raphael on the power couple who are heading for Calgary

The giant belt buckles just had to go, An MP’s starring role in Vienna, and Ignatieff’s wife doesn’t get a preview


In the mud

And now, courtesy of Susan Delacourt, there are these videos of Michael Ignatieff and the Comber Fair demolition derby.

Calling London

Michael Ignatieff on Canadians’ desire for ‘something more compassionate’


Where he was

By my count, the Liberal bus stopped in eight ridings—all of them held by either a New Democrat or Conservative—over the last three days. For those who are interested in such things, here are those ridings, how the Liberals finished there in 2008, the margin of defeat and when the Liberals last won the riding.