
What your drink of choice says about your politics

A new poll suggests Canadians’ booze preferences vary according to the party they vote for. Fortunately, we’re more united in our tastes than divided

The LCBO store in Toronto's Beach neighbourhood

In defence of the LCBO: Ontario’s liquor history holds lessons for pot

Though it’s fashionable to complain about it now, the province’s liquor control regime has come a long way from its Prohibitionist past

Keep soft-liquor store out of Iqaluit: a founding premier’s plea

Paul Okalik says the move will produce misery that Iqaluit is not yet equipped to handle. And he would know.

Last call for bartenders

Singles don’t need bars anymore, and the rest just don’t seem to want to go

Fernet-Branca: A little swig of ‘Satan’s mouthwash’

It’s ‘revolting,’ 39 per cent alcohol, and tastes like iodine. What’s not to love?

Should Ontario privatize liquor sales?

Tamsin McMahon on how the province with a monopoly makes less money on booze


Flowing from underground

Seized liquor in Islamabad


Out of the jar and into the shot glass

Martinis? Yawn. Today’s hipster is on to the briny delights of pickle shots and dill-sicles.