long form


‘The prime minister’s decision’

The federal government was preparing last December to deal with the “the prime minister’s decision” to do away with the long-form census.


When ministers of the crown tweet

Tony Clement takes on the worldwide statistical conspiracy.


The long reach of the long-form census

Statistics Canada documents show how, and by who, the long-form census was used.


The present and future of the census

Stephen Gordon points to four essays on the census from the current issue of Canadian Public Policy. Separately, he himself takes on the idea that a voluntary census will provide more truthful responses.


Her Majesty enacts as follows

The Liberals have set out legislation they will propose when Parliament returns next month that would be effectively enshrine a mandatory long-form census. The full text of the proposed bill is here. The Statistics Act would also be amended to eliminate the threat of prison for non-compliance.


This day and age

Five weeks after his government’s decision was announced, the Prime Minister explains the move to a voluntary long-form census.


The collection of numbers by the numbers (II)

The Industry Minister has claimed that 160,000 Canadians “refused” to complete the long-form census in 2006. Statistics Canada now says 275,000 households failed to return a short-form census and 160,000 failed to return the long form, but only that census officials were unable to “make contact” with the majority of those households.