Michel Guimond


Too cute by half

An exchange from Question Period yesterday.


The vast socialist conspiracy (III)

Here is the airing of accusations and denials that followed Question Period today.

Beer, chocolate and MPs

The lineup for Ontario Tory MP Scott Reid’s sixth annual Ontario microbrewery beer tasting/Quebec cheese reception was huge. Reid hold two beers below.

The Commons: A thoroughly unsexy day

Lisa Raitt provides no apology, the House is stunned

The Commons: The interrogation of Lisa Raitt

The opposition won’t let the case of the missing documents go


You stay classy, Jeff Watson

Transcript of a point of order raised after yesterday afternoon’s votes.


BTC: Recycling

Dusty old quotes from previous versions of Stephen Harper are being swapped rather frantically these days. Here is perhaps the most applicable at the moment. It was first spoken in 2004, referenced by the Post’s Don Martin in 2006 and revived again in 2007 by the Bloc’s Michel Guimond (which is to say, it’s about due for its annual re-airing). To wit.


The Commons: A wee battle

Smilin’ Jim Flaherty and Squeaky Omar Alghabra have at it in a rhetorical smackdown


The Commons: ‘A bit of respect, please’

If this government has demonstrated anything, it is that it has little interest in being taken seriously