North Carolina primary


Tested And Ready To Go

Back in New Hampshire, the Obama forces on the ground had a slogan: “Fired up, ready to go.” This blog has from the outset welcomed the challenge to test Obama. The slogans in the course of a campaign are important, but the reality is that they are just words and often do not connect to reality. Hillary Clinton’s relentless pursuit of the Democratic nomination has had the unique advantage of testing the campaign slogans as well as the character of her opponent. The Clinton campaign has thrown the ‘kitchen sink’ at Barack Obama in the past eight weeks. In addition, Barack Obama has self-inflicted wounds from an ill-conceived remark about small town America and his past association with Reverend Jeremiah Wright. The result has been a less attractive Obama, but a much tougher one, too.


Oily duck, Tasered pork, and apple crumble for desert

Must-reads: Don Martin on the world’s most famous dead ducks; Greg Weston on election financing; Terence Corcoran on the StatsCan war.