
Panda Er Shun (Adrian Wyld/CP)

Calgary’s pandas are getting desperate. They need a flight home.

The pandemic snarled supply chains that delivered fresh bamboo to the Calgary Zoo. Now, as a mysterious domestic supply in B.C. dries up, the zoo is frantically trying to send the pandas back to China.

Inside the private lives of the Toronto Zoo’s giant pandas

298 pages of zoo medical records reveal the stress of pandas living—and giving birth—in a human-controlled environment

The pandas are going to the Calgary Zoo. How safe will they be?

High-profile animal deaths plague the Calgary Zoo. But staff insist its new visitors in 2018 will be perfectly safe.

High-demand, highly cute: Five odd facts about pandas

They need a team of keepers, baby bottles, an incubator and even assistance to pee. Check out the panda bears’ diva-like necessities.

Panda-mania leaves PM’s new Trudeaumania in the dust

Trudeau, Wynne, and Tory gather at the Toronto Zoo for a very important panda-naming ceremony

Political panda-monium: Black and white unites left and right

Pandas cross all political lines, so China’s deployed some bearish diplomacy tactics

We’re about to lead the G8 in ‘cuddly’

We’re about to lead the G8 in ‘cuddly’

Scott Feschuk on how our prime minister is not afraid to exercise soft (and furry) power


Panda jokes

During QP yesterday, Megan Leslie became the first MP to work the names of Canada’s new pandas into a question about the government’s credibility.

Poo-pooing the pandas

China’s panda census

For the next year, more than 100 people will be across the mountains of central China in search of the endangered animals


Year in pictures – November & December

Maclean’s presents the best photos of 2010


Harper’s panda politics

FESCHUK: Only a nation with a special rapport with China could rent its pandas for a huge sum


Ask yourself this: do you have more pandas now than you did four years ago?

Sure, we were not successful in winning a seat on the security council, but hey, look over there: pandas!