Paul Calandra

Paul Calandra unreservedly apologizes to this turkey

The MP makes a stand—and then a very wet apology—at the Harpers’ Thanksgiving dinner at 24 Sussex

The House of Commons heads back to the real world

These have been zany days for the geeks on the hill. But debate on the role of parliament risks masking the campaign-season good stuff

What now, Ottawa? The Maclean’s Politics panel dissects the headlines

A video briefing from the Maclean’s Ottawa bureau

The week everyone was worried about Parliament

Will this week be any different?

Calandra: So that happened

They call it Question Period, not Fundamentals of Human Dignity Period

Paul Calandra apologizes to the House

The parliamentary secretary regrets his responses

The Calandra rule?

A new proposal from the NDP

Accountability now! Sort of

James Bezan does what Paul Calandra would not. Yay?

Paul Calandra: The designated obfuscator

How to get away with not answering

Today in demonstrating contempt for Parliament

Questions about Canada’s mission in Iraq, responses about something else entirely