
Big Gulp

Big Gulp: Republican insiders try to save the party from itself

The GOP needs to rethink outreach in order to stop “secular socialism”

Republicans hit unions where it hurts

Right-to-work laws target the same labour unions that helped fund Obama’s victory


The Afghanistan briefing: It’s getting worse

From PBS, a dynamite Frontline documentary designed to suit the moment: a new President who has promised to pay more attention to what’s happening in Afghanistan. At the risk of repeating something I’ve said a few times lately, Obama’s attention, while welcome, is certainly insufficient to turn around a declining situation in Aghanistan. A review of the Frontline documentary is here; the whole documentary, an hour’s television cut into more digestible chapters, is here. It is tremendously sobering viewing…(UPDATE)…and especially in the fifth chapter, has unsettling images of extreme violence, so viewer beware.


I can assure you, Mr. President-elect, that nobody named Baird was ever in my cabinet

President-elect Barack Obama is strongly considering Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Environmental Protection Agency, a Cabinet post, Democratic officials told Politico.


You people are not being helpful

Welcome to the new job, Mr. President-Elect:


Well, Joe Biden did say he’d be tested

And Dmitry Medvedev wastes no time offering Barack Obama a choice: Russia will deploy short-range missiles in Kaliningrad on the border of Poland and Lithuania — unless Obama prefers to abandon George W. Bush’s plan for missile-defence batteries in Poland and the Czech Republic.


The long form

This corner has developed a special interest in long-form political journalism, produced hard on the heels of major political events. Here are the day’s main examples of the form.