Progressive Conservative

How the Conservative campaign got it so spectacularly wrong

From the niqab to C-24 and the Ford brothers, the Conservatives couldn’t put a foot right

Tories vs. student unions, Lakehead law & #StandWithLanden

What students are talking about today (February 26th)

More than just a provincial man

Peter Lougheed was more than just a provincial man

Alberta premier fought for a more equitable Constitution for all Canadians

MACLEAN’S EXCLUSIVE: New evidence in ‘Diefenbaby’ case

DNA test shows George Dryden belongs to the PM’s family


OPIRG fee voted down by Queen’s students

Campus conservatives celebrate


Two appendices to ‘The coming Tory majority’

My story for print Maclean’s on Conservative fortunes in provincial politics is now on the web. As is often the case, I had help with the story from lots of people who didn’t make it into the finished version, and gathered information and had thoughts that didn’t quite fit.


From the magazine

Something like 750 words on the last of the Progressive Conservatives on Parliament Hill.


And then there were two

A fierce 60-something is now one of the PC party’s last holdouts