sam goldstein


Sam Goldstein speaks!

Just in case any readers are loath to follow lengthy comment back-and-forthing, I should point out that former Conservative candidate and once-and-possibly-future witness Sam Goldstein has turned up to tell his side of the story here, and has been very obligingly answering questions from readers – and ITQ – as well – starting here, and continuing throughout the rest of the thread.


UPDATED: Memories of Moments of Goldsteinian Candor Past …

If only the former Conservative candidate for Trinity-Spadina hadn’t stormed off before  his turn to speak, just imagine what he might have had to say to the Ethics committee. Especially considering what he told the Ottawa Citizen reporters who wrote the very first In-and-Out story ever:


Liveblogging the post-Ethics committee ad hoc screaming scrum of one Sam Goldstein

Yeah, so normally, this would be the time in which the ITQ liveblogger takes a few well-deserved minutes to rest her fingers and partake of sandwich-like substenance, but thanks to Sam Goldstein, that’s going to have to wait, because nothing – nothing – could compete with what happened after the gavel dropped on the morning session.