sun news

The sun is setting on cable news

Sun News never really had a chance. Colby Cosh explains why.

Sun News: A very lovely defeat

Paul Wells on the CRTC’s ruling: ‘A commendably liberal (small L!) decision from the epicentre of Canadian state bureaucracy’

Mike Duffy resigns from the Conservative caucus

The embattled senator resigns to sit as an independent

The refighting of WWI enters its third day

Everyone is profoundly saddened


The Commons: Good help is hard to find

The Scene. Seated almost directly across the aisle from his opposition critic, Jason Kenney shook his head as the NDP’s Don Davies read the indictment.


Welcome to the infomercial

Canadian Press reports that a few weeks before citizenship week celebrations last fall, Jason Kenney’s office asked his department to organize a ceremony at the Sun News studio in Toronto.

Bursting on the scene

Entrances: Bursting on the scene

From the IMF’s first pink ribbon at the top to the new country on the map–a close look at this year’s newcomers


Newsmakers: June 9 – 16, 2011

A 65-year murder mystery solved, Bieber takes a beating, and Danny Williams has got game


‘Bad information is an occupational hazard’

The CEO of Sun Media says—and the Conservative campaign confirms—that a Conservative strategist forwarded a dubious photo of Michael Ignatieff.


Péladeau was for taxpayer subsidies before he was against them

If there was a recurring theme to Pierre Karl Péladeau and Kory Teneycke’s press conference announcing Sun News, it’s that their new channel would not be anything like the CBC. Said Teneycke: