Wall street

People walk past the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street in New York on Nov. 4, 2020 (Justin Lane/EPA/CP)

Joe Biden and the lure of gridlock

Paul Wells: Wednesday’s market rallies amount to a bet that a Democrat president and a Republican Senate will guarantee nothing changes in America

Shopify gets ready to trade

May 21: The tech company has raised more than $130 million. Plus, a Petrobras skeleton, Wall Street’s short memory, and going “management free.”

Why Wall Street keeps winning

On Wall Street, it’s almost as if the financial crisis never happened

Why the U.S. has come down easy on white-collar crime

After five years of trying to bring justice to those behind the financial crisis, the U.S. has little to show but a handful of harmless fines against Wall Street firms

The Canadian link to Wall Street’s biggest meltdown

The rise and fall of Cynk Technology could help the push for a Canada-wide securities regulator

Wall Street’s post-crash recruits

A book review of “Young Money” by Kevin Roose


Did Bloomberg spy on traders that used its subscription services?

Bloomberg LP is being accused of allowing its journalists to access information about how traders used its services, particularly those at Goldman Sachs.

Wall Street is at it all over again

New financial rules are creating novel opportunities for risky profits

Why China’s slowdown could mean big trouble for Canada’s economy

It’s not just about weaker demand, it’s about the end of a story investors have been betting on


Can’t afford to own a race horse? Buy a share of it.

Buying shares in horses opens a world once only accessible to sheiks and oil tycoons


Michael Douglas is telling traders that greed is not good

Unfortunately, Gordon Gekko’s message was more compelling