weight loss

Here’s why Ozempic is popular for the wrong reasons

Many Canadians want to use the drug as a quick fix for weight loss. What about the people who actually need it?

Tracking New Year’s resolutions through Google

Graphs show the historic uptick in searches for ‘broccoli’ and ‘tofu’ on Jan. 1

Forget Weight Watchers: Twitter is a 24-7 diet support group

The social network can help you lose weight, but are you willing to be honest with your followers?

Which vitamins and supplements actually work?

St. John’s wort makes the cut, but stop wasting your money on raspberry ketones

Not as much as you can eat

Weight-loss surgery cards give better bang for your buck at buffets

Big portions weigh down small women

Big portions weigh down small women

Petites who overeat by just 28 calories a day could gain 30 lb. in a decade

When to reveal your insulin pump

When to reveal your insulin pump

A woman’s guide to diabetes offers tips about dating, diet and airport security


Jeanne Beker has that magic something

Does the fashion icon sell weight-loss better than Elizabeth Manley?


U.K. town pays cash for lost pounds

The program pays one pound sterling for each pound lost


Laughing all those pounds off

Some Weight Watchers leaders are so funny their meetings are standing room only