BTC: Stephane Dion vows imminent election



Following up on her story that some Liberals are agitating for a summer election, the Star’s Susan Delacourt put the matter to the Liberal leader in his post-QP scrum today. Here’s how the official transcript recorded the exchange.

(Before you get excited, Susan assures, via email, that this isn’t how she heard it.)

Reporter: Mr. Dion, what are you telling Liberals who want you to bring down the government tonight or next week?

Dion: Well I’m reluctant to be the one that will bring these elections in mid July, the only sunny month we have in this country.  But I think we have been right to give Canadians more opportunities to see what kind of government we have, and they understand more and more of that and it’s not the government that we want more and more because Canadians want to build a united country where people are working together and the Prime Minister is, is bringing everybody apart. He’s doing that on every file.

Reporter: But if it’s that bad, why don’t you bring the government down now?

Dion: We’ll do that.