Do you know where your memos are?

A quick recap of where things seem to stand.

A quick recap of where things seem to stand.

Richard Colvin’s affidavit for the Military Police Complaints Commission lists 17 numbered memos and several unnumbered memos. He indicates that he has most of these documents in his possession.

Amnesty International has released some documents in its possession, but the tracking number on only one of those—KBGR-0291—matches a tracking number cited in Colvin’s affidavit.

Amnesty subsequently obtained more of Colvin’s memos as a result of a court proceeding, but is under court order not to disclose or discuss the contents. It has appealed to the Attorney General’s office for permission to release them.

Over the weekend, the Globe claimed to have a complete, if heavily redacted, collection of Colvin’s memos. The paper has yet to post what it has online.

As of Sunday, members of the special committee on Afghanistan were still waiting for the government to provide the documents they have requested.