’80s Syndication Smackdown: Evie Vs. Vicki

Based on an earlier post, this is a showdown: which long-running ’80s syndicated sitcom is worse, Small Wonder or Out of This World?

Based on an earlier post, this is a showdown: which long-running ’80s syndicated sitcom is worse, Small Wonder or Out of This World?

I used to say it was Out of This World, but I just think I was being fashionable (insofar as even thinking about these shows is fashionable). I hated Small Wonder way more as a kid, and I think I was right. The kids on Small Wonder really make it something special in terms of pure evil; just when you think nobody could be a worse actor than Vicki, the “human” kid comes along.


Whereas on Out Of This World, Evie was reasonably tolerable, and as I said, it was far easier for a kid to identify with her than Vicki. Stopping time by touching your fingers together? Somewhat creepy in its implications if you think too much about what could be done with such a power, but far less creepy than any given scene involving a man who builds a little-girl robot.


And yes, this is really what we kids watched at strange times (whenever the broadcasters had a hole to plug with syndication-only programming) in the ancient 1980s. That’s why we’re all so well adjusted now.