More documents, more testimony, more questions

In court testimony last year, the director general of the Afghanistan task force said it was not their job to investigate claims of torture. Internal government documents show Canadians were told by Afghan security officials that many detainees were released due to a lack of evidence. The Red Cross feels its been put in an awkward spot.

In court testimony last year, the director general of the Afghanistan task force said it was not their job to investigate claims of torture. Internal government documents show Canadians were told by Afghan security officials that many detainees were released due to a lack of evidence. The Red Cross feels its been put in an awkward spot.

Christie Blatchford turns again to what she says are redacted versions of Richard Colvin’s memos and pronounces that there’s not much to see there. The Globe’s Campbell Clark, with or without the same memos, reviews the situation and concludes that the primary question remains: “Why did it take so long to change the transfer arrangements?”