My Insta-Reaction To the Olympic Closing Ceremonies

You know how, in The Producers, the audience for “Springtime For Hitler” is left slack-jawed and horrified at what they’ve just seen? And then, just as they’re about to walk out, they start to realize that the whole thing is so over-the-top that it’s funny? And finally they’re loving it and saying it deserves to run ten years?

You know how, in The Producers, the audience for “Springtime For Hitler” is left slack-jawed and horrified at what they’ve just seen? And then, just as they’re about to walk out, they start to realize that the whole thing is so over-the-top that it’s funny? And finally they’re loving it and saying it deserves to run ten years?

That’s me with the closing ceremonies. The mountie costumes. The two guys in a pair of canoe-shaped pants. The slide-whistle sound effects to take away the guest star’s dignity. The beavers. It all felt so ridiculous and so sincere in its cheesy showbiz phoniness that I couldn’t help but be won over; it was like The Simpsons Family Smile-Time Variety Hour came to life and had a Canadian theme.

So, to the producers of this show, and the little old ladies who presumably invested in it: I don’t know what you were thinking, but I’ll take it.