So then Gerry sez…

I can’t help it, I find Gerry Ritz a funny guy. Like back in 2002 when Stephen Harper and Stockwell Day were slugging it out for the Canadian Alliance leadership. Harper’s campaign had been warning that Day was relying too heavily on evangelical Christians, threatening to isolate the party from a broader electoral base. I ran into Ritz, a big Day backer, and asked him about the issue. “If Stephen Harper controlled federal infrastructure money,” Gerry said, “he’d be building colosseums and importing lions.” Ha! Funny. And a bit risky, as good jokes, even humour about, say, religion or death, often are.

I can’t help it, I find Gerry Ritz a funny guy. Like back in 2002 when Stephen Harper and Stockwell Day were slugging it out for the Canadian Alliance leadership. Harper’s campaign had been warning that Day was relying too heavily on evangelical Christians, threatening to isolate the party from a broader electoral base. I ran into Ritz, a big Day backer, and asked him about the issue. “If Stephen Harper controlled federal infrastructure money,” Gerry said, “he’d be building colosseums and importing lions.” Ha! Funny. And a bit risky, as good jokes, even humour about, say, religion or death, often are.