The caption challenge’s sexy cousin: the definition challenge

For the final challenge of 2008 (not counting my post-Christmas “Fitting into those pants” challenge, which I prefer to conduct in the privacy of my own shame) I invite you to click on over to my column from this week’s magazine, read what I have attempted to do and then effortlessly come up with your own definitions that are funnier, more clever and more likely to make the famous person named in the definition collapse weeping, alter his ways and dedicate his ensuing inspirational self-help book to you and your penetrating insight.

For the final challenge of 2008 (not counting my post-Christmas “Fitting into those pants” challenge, which I prefer to conduct in the privacy of my own shame) I invite you to click on over to my column from this week’s magazine, read what I have attempted to do and then effortlessly come up with your own definitions that are funnier, more clever and more likely to make the famous person named in the definition collapse weeping, alter his ways and dedicate his ensuing inspirational self-help book to you and your penetrating insight.

The winner, as declared by a jury of me early next week, will receive a lovely prize with an actual cash value in the two (2) digits!

Please put your entries in the comments section beneath the column itself, not here. The comments below this post are reserved for names of Christmas carols we’d sing if we were singing honestly about the holiday season. My entry: Christmas Is Coming (And I’ve Got So Much Shit to Do).