Why Can’t Our TV Promos Be Like This?

No, really, why can’t they? This video started circulating on blogs and Twitter yesterday; it’s a promo for a Norwegian show called Gylne Tider (Golden Years) which has been on since 2002 and does documentary-style interview profiles on celebrities, apparently with a particular focus on U.S. celebrities from the ’80s and ’90s. The show promotes itself by getting the various stars they’ve profiled to lip-synch a little bit to a popular song. So:

No, really, why can’t they? This video started circulating on blogs and Twitter yesterday; it’s a promo for a Norwegian show called Gylne Tider (Golden Years) which has been on since 2002 and does documentary-style interview profiles on celebrities, apparently with a particular focus on U.S. celebrities from the ’80s and ’90s. The show promotes itself by getting the various stars they’ve profiled to lip-synch a little bit to a popular song. So:


The show did a similar promo a couple of years ago, with a different song (“We Are the World”) and a different assortment of lip-synching celebrities.


Here’s an example of what the actual show is like, an interview with Josie Bissett from Melrose Place. It is more or less as I would have expected from the promos. But we’ve had those kinds of interviews with B-list U.S. celebrities in Canada, to say nothing of the U.S. So it’s the promotional videos that really make the show.
