Campus life at Acadia University

A photographic tour of the Wolfville, N.S. campus

<p>Sept. 21/2012 &#8211; Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.  UV research lab at the Centre for Analytical Research on the Environment (C.A.R.E.). After travelling to Canada’s North to collect snow samples, Mann (female researcher) is studying the sun’s impact of mercury release on snowmelt in this UV lab.<br />
&#8211; Female researcher: Erin Mann, Environmental Science PhD candidate (in association with Memorial University) from Brantford, Ontario<br />
&#8211; Male researcher: Dr. Nelson O’Driscoll, Canada Research Chair in Biogeochemistry.</p>

Erin Mann and Nelson O’Driscoll work in the UV research lab at the Centre for Analytical Research on the Environment

This fall, Maclean’s photographed 24 of the 49 institutions featured in the 2013 Maclean’s University Rankings. Below, Jessica Darmanin shows you around Acadia University. Click on each photo to make it larger. Then check out the other 23 galleries here.