A Nation Turns its Lonely High Brows to Michael Ignatieff

“One word from you, and the bureaucrats will go upmarket.”

British classical music critic and professional curmudgeon Norman Lebrecht is worried about “the top-down dumbing down of arts and culture.” The CBC is broadcasting crap and Lebrecht’s favourite little Canadian magazines are facing cuts to their funding. Fortunately, Lebrecht knows Michael Ignatieff, and therefore imagines the federal Liberal leader to be one-stop shopping for all that ails Canada’s cultural scene. “One speech, Michael, that’s all it would take,” Lebrecht writes, showing a charming naiveté about the influence of Canadian opposition leaders. “One word from you, and the bureaucrats will go upmarket.” Get used to similar attempts by British and American worthies to conscript Ignatieff to their assorted causes as his political career progresses.

