Bev Oda will continue to live large in retirement

Bev Oda officially stepped down from her cabinet post and her seat in Parliament this Tuesday, says the National Post. The former minister of international development announced her resignation on July 3rd, after coming under a wave of criticism for extravagant spending at a development conference in London.

Bev Oda officially stepped down from her cabinet post and her seat in Parliament this Tuesday, says the National Post. The former minister of international development announced her resignation on July 3rd, after coming under a wave of criticism for extravagant spending at a development conference in London.

While retirement for Oda may not include nights at the Savoy Hotel and $16 orange juice, will continue to live very comfortably in retirement, thanks to a generous taxpayer funded pension.

The 67-year-old now qualifies for a parliamentary pension of $52,183 a year, of which Oda herself has contributed only $130,000. By the time Oda reaches 80, Canadian tax payers will have spent almost $700,000 on her retirement.