Checking In

I apologise for the less-than-stellar blogging recently. As part of my day job I’m coordinating the election coverage at the Ottawa Citizen, which hasn’t given me much opportunity to actually think and write about what is going on. It doesn’t help that I haven’t done this before — once I find my bearings I’ll try to get some blogging in. 

I apologise for the less-than-stellar blogging recently. As part of my day job I’m coordinating the election coverage at the Ottawa Citizen, which hasn’t given me much opportunity to actually think and write about what is going on. It doesn’t help that I haven’t done this before — once I find my bearings I’ll try to get some blogging in. 

Meanwhile, I’m nominally a participant in the OC’s election blog, but so far Laura Drake and David Reevely are doing a great job without me. 

In USA news, Wayne points me to Colbert’s thoughts on Giuliani’s speech to the GOP Convention: