Please, no more sci-fi ‘miniseries’!

British journalist has had it with sci-fi stories that never end

The Guardian‘s Jonathan Wright has had it with science-fiction TV that never wraps up a story. The final straw is the new series of the Dr. Who spinoff Torchwood, which is billed as a “miniseries” telling one story over the course of several episodes, a story so convoluted that all the episodes need to be shown in one week. Wright notes that the days when science-fiction or fantasy episodes actually resolved themselves seem to be long past; now every show, whether it’s Dr. Who or Battlestar Galactica, becomes “sluggish and slow, weighed down by the baggage of past events.” While he’s too hooked to give up Torchwood, Wright vows that the next time a sci-fi show displays signs of a story arc, he’ll be out of there… except, as he admits, he’ll probably get hooked on that show and need to know what happens next.

The Guardian