Smooth as a baby’s…?

New anti-wrinkle treatment uses the foreskins of baby boys

Move over Botox. A controversial anti-aging product called Vavelta has hit the British market, and it is made from the foreskins of baby boys. Once the skin has been circumcised, scientists isolate its fibroblast cells, and multiply them, then package them into treatment vials. Fibroblasts cells provide skin with its strength, elasticity, resilience and lock-in moisture. According to Intercytex, the Cambridge-based manufacturer, the product can be used to treat wrinkles, acne or burn scars. Each vial costs $1,200 and can treat about 4 centrimetres of skin. In the UK, 150 patients have received the Vavelta injections, but the treatment has yet to be approved by Health Canada or in the United States.

Scientific American