Winning hearts, minds, and other parts

Gimme a break, you try writing a headline for this post without some lame single-entendre sex pun, like “when soft power turns hard,” or “pubic diplomacy”. 

Gimme a break, you try writing a headline for this post without some lame single-entendre sex pun, like “when soft power turns hard,” or “pubic diplomacy”. 

After a long conversation through an interpreter, the retired operator began to probe for ways to win the man’s loyalty. A discussion of the man’s family and many wives provided inspiration. Once it was established that the man was in good health, the pills were offered and accepted.

Four days later, when the Americans returned, the gift had worked its magic, the operative recalled.

“He came up to us beaming,” the official said. “He said, ‘You are a great man.’ ”

“And after that we could do whatever we wanted in his area.”

That’s right — the CIA is co-opting taliban chieftains with viagra. 
