BTC: What he said

In Inuvik yesterday, the Prime Minister attempted to define a recession. “Somebody said a recession is when people start losing their jobs, and when your neighbour loses his job. There are job losses, but overall employment is pretty stable,” he said.

In Inuvik yesterday, the Prime Minister attempted to define a recession. “Somebody said a recession is when people start losing their jobs, and when your neighbour loses his job. There are job losses, but overall employment is pretty stable,” he said.

A well-read reader suggests Mr. Harper has mangled Ronald Reagan’s line from the 1980 presidential campaign: “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his.”

This is a not inconceivable connection to draw, at least given the Prime Minister’s recent fondness for the one-liners of late 20th century Republican presidents.