Clotho, Lachesis, Nanos: So, what are the Fates saying about Those Ads!(tm)?

Well, I guess that answers that question:

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Well, I guess that answers that question:


Or — actually,  does it?

It’s definitely worth looking at the regional/demographic numbers, which may reveal a more complex story — and one that could well qualify the “Just Visiting” campaign as a sleeper success for the Conservatives. Check out how it seems to be playing out in Ontario, where the ads seem to have garnered a more positive reaction there than on the national level, with a higher negative impact on the perception of Ignatieff as well.  There is a similarly quirky – and question-raising – tidbit of data buried in the breakdowns by age/gender/party preference that suggests that the message may be finding an ever so slightly more receptive audience amongst the all-important undecideds —  although with a margin of error that would have to be in the double digits, ITQ would advise against claiming total victory on those numbers alone. (Doug Finley/Commenter Jarrid, take note.)

Anyway, ITQ is off to liveblog the end of the political world as we know it, which means she’ll have to turn this over to the rest of you to figure out what it all means. Keep her posted.