Please handle your segues with care

During members’ statements before QP this afternoon, Stephane Dion stood to acknowledge the recent passing of Rene Maheu, husband of former Liberal MP Shirley Maheu, and a dedicated member of the Liberal party in Mr. Dion’s riding. In Mr. Maheu’s memory, Mr. Dion commended all those who volunteer for political parties.

During members’ statements before QP this afternoon, Stephane Dion stood to acknowledge the recent passing of Rene Maheu, husband of former Liberal MP Shirley Maheu, and a dedicated member of the Liberal party in Mr. Dion’s riding. In Mr. Maheu’s memory, Mr. Dion commended all those who volunteer for political parties.

Avec René Maheu, ce sont tous les militants de base que je veux remercier , les militants de tous les partis démocratiques qui, poussés par leurs convictions, font avancer notre démocratie. Ils et elles en sont le carburant, une énergie perpétuellement renouvelable, du moins, tant que nous garderons dans nos coeurs et nos esprits le souvenir de valeureux citoyens comme René Maheu.

Conservative MP Rick Dykstra was scheduled to stand next and was apparently prepared with a statement about all of the ways in which the Liberal party is apparently plotting to raise taxes. But, for whatever reason, Mr. Dykstra opted to attempt a segue.

Mr. Speaker, I am glad I am following the godfather of the carbon tax.

As Ron Cannan demonstrated two years ago, the segue is a tricky rhetorical device that should only be handled by professionals.