The five worst business ideas pitched on CBC’s ‘Dragons’ Den’

Including: a reusable plastic pizza box and booze made from tree sap

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Dragon’s Den host Kevin O’Leary. (CBC)

Dragon's Den host Kevin O'Leary. (CBC)
Dragon's Den host Kevin O'Leary. (CBC)

“Every year we see hundreds of pitches, and probably one in 10 is a good business idea, so nine others make no sense for whatever reason,” says Kevin O’Leary, the Dragon’s Den outspoken dragon. “Sometimes you go into the most insane space.”

1. Bottled Intentions: The idea was to sell bottles of water with inspirational words written on them. When O’Leary questioned the sanity of the entrepre- neur making the pitch, she asked him, “Are you suggesting that I’m a nutbar?” “Yes,” O’Leary replied.

2. Pizza Pak: This would be a reusable plastic box for pizza delivery. O’Leary’s take: “The energy used to recycle it would kill every whale on the planet.”

3. Sap World: The idea was to make wine, vodka and other products out of birch sap. O’Leary’s take: “This stuff tastes like poopoo.”

4. Ultimate Sports Puzzles: These would be word games and puzzles about sports. O’Leary’s take: “This married couple spent their wedding money building the business, and the man was lucky his wife didn’t leave him for that fact alone.”

5. Soccer Board Game: As the name suggests, this would be a board game simulating soccer. O’Leary’s take: “Why play a board game when you can play the real thing?”

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