Allan Gregg


‘There’s too much at stake to be silent’

Allan Gregg reflects on his “assault on reason” cri de coeur.


Dealing with the Conservatives’ carbon tax farce

Bruce Cheadle reviews the political and journalistic challenges created by the Conservatives’ carbon tax farce.


The problem is both bigger and smaller

Don Lenihan troubleshoots Allan Gregg’s essay.


‘A culture of fear and a politics of division is taking over’

Alice Funke talks to Allan Gregg about his thoughts on Orwell and the Harper government.


What Orwell foretold

Allan Gregg considers the Harper government’s approach to evidence, reasoning and language in policy and our current political culture.

Statistical probabilities

The last three changes in government were not obviously foretold by publicly available polling data


Everything you know is of questionable accuracy

In a pair of stories, Joan Bryden effectively questions the basis for 85% of political discussion in popular media.


To what end? (II)

In the process of reviewing Harperland, Allan Gregg considers Mr. Harper’s larger goal.


Gregg v. Ignatieff

Twenty-seven more minutes of conversation. About nine-and-a-half minutes in they move on from True Patriot Love to talking about Ignatieff’s political career. Haven’t got time to watch it all before QP. Will go ahead and assume there are at least half a dozen attack ads in there somewhere.