
Energy drinks are all the buzz. But they may also be dangerous.

As young people consume more and more energy drinks, sometimes mixed with alcohol, new research shows they can raise blood pressure and stress levels

Frito-Lay gets hyped up on snack food

These Cracker Jacks will perk you up after the 7th inning stretch

7 ways to cope with exam stress

Including some tips you’ve never heard

The haunting spectre of energy drinks

‘Science-ish’ looks for evidence to back up our worries about the sugary, super-caffeinated beverages


Coffee is making you dumber

New study finds that caffeine slows your brain… if you’re a male.


Warning: ‘May be extremely calming’

The opposite of Red Bull, these ‘anti-energy’ drinks claim to provide instant relaxation


Caffeine driving you crazy?

Heavy coffee drinkers are more likely to suffer hallucinations